Bicycling the Oregon Coast

A Little Info

Here's a little info for anyone who's reading this. I've got a link over to the right for those who want to follow via RSS/XML newsfeed. I'm riding a 2005 Trek 520. This is a great bike. I've put 2,500 miles on it since I bought it in the Spring of 2005. It feels like I've already mentioned that.

Here's my itinerary:

Night of Sept. 5 Camp at Fort Stevens State Park
Sept. 6, Fort Stevens to Nehalem Bay State Park – 45 miles
Sept. 7, Nehalem Bay to Cape Lookout State Park – 50 miles
Sept. 8, Cape Lookout to Agate Beach (Newport) – 60 miles
Sept. 9, Agate Beach to Jessie M. Honeyman State Park – 60 miles
Sept. 10, Jessie M. Honeyman to Sunset Bay State Park – 55 miles
Sept. 11, Sunset Bay to Humbug Mountain State Park – 60 miles
Sept. 12, Humbug Mountain to Calif. State border – 55 miles

This is subject to change...of course.

Posted Sept. 3, 2006