Otter Crest Loop...
Biked 71 miles today.
Got an even earlier start this morning: 9:30am. Today was the toughest day so far. Three major climbs and I mean major. Two of them were so steep that I had to stop part way up to take a rest. I don't feel too bad, though, since even as slow as I was, I passed other bikers. Of course, they were carrying their camping stuff. Maybe my overweight evened out with their camping stuff.
Right out of camp this morning, I came upon two women from Bozeman, Montana, heading uphill over Cape Lookout. They both had Bob trailers and were also struggling uphill. We all stopped at the top for a breather. Lexie caught up and stopped there, too.
I biked 71 miles today...took six hour on the road. And, I am really tired. So tired, in fact, that we might stay here another day to give me some rest. While we waited, a van pulled over and three or four guys got out, pulled their bikes off a rack and got ready to head downhill. Huh? Cheating! They said they were part of a group of 15 firefighters from Vancouver, BC. And, yup, they were cheating...their cohorts arrived just in time for all of them to head downhill.
Heading through Pacific City, they all stopped at the Inn at Cape Kiwanda. I found our car parked across the road and spotted Lexie coming out of a coffee place with a latte. She just wanted to be assured I was still alive. I left there accompanied by John & Burt from Chicago, riding recombent bikes. We three took another Adventure Cycling alternate and headed up Slab Creek Road & Old Scenic Highway 101. Ten miles off 101, with virtually no traffic very nice.
Next stop, lunch at Otis Cafe, a well-know spot for cyclists. In fact, as we arrived, the 15 firefighters were right behind us. Then, the English couple showed up, followed by the two Montana women. Crowded. I did a recalculation and discovered that my planned 60 mile ride would be more than 70 miles. So, I hurried along... lost my riding partners along East Devils Lake Road in Lincoln City. I was alone for the rest of that day, another 25 miles to Newport.
Boy, was I pooped when I arrived at our motel for the night after about six hours on the bike.
Posted Sept. 8, 2006